21 Jaar Later / 21 Years Later
21 Jaar Later / 21 Years Later
By Luna Paige
With Schalk van der Merwe, Frank Freeman and Blake Hellaby
Time: Friday 10/07/20 from 7pm till Sunday 12 am 12/07/20
Tickets: R120 at Webtickets
Luna Paige is celebrating her 21st year in the music industry. She challenged herself to write new material and introduce it to her fans and new audiences during 2020. The show made its debut at the annual arts festival Woordfees in Stellenbosch shortly before lockdown. Little did Luna know this would be her first and last performance of her new material performed by her and her newly assembled band consisting of Schalk van der Merwe, Frank Freeman and Blake Hellaby. Paige wrote songs that explore issues such as artistic relevance in a socio-politically sensitive period and questions her own relevance and purpose as artist in South Africa. She introduced both English and Afrikaans songs as well as performance poetry she wrote to help convey her message in ’21 Years Later’. The show was well received, and Luna is happy to be able to share it on the 10th of July on this platform. Those who missed her once off performance in March can now tune in to hear Paige perform her new original material, which is long overdue.